KPI Issues Warning Over TV Program

KPI Issues Warning Over TV Program

The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission issued a written warning to TransTV over its controversial program Yuk Keep Smile, which protestors described as noneducational.
Sujarwanto Rahmat, a commissioner who oversees broadcast content, said that the commission known as KPI came to its conclusions based on its analysis that YKS violated broadcast standards.
The letter of warning noted that the YKS program presented erotic body movements and female participants who were scantily dressed, exposing bare skin.
KPI considered such presentations violations of the social values and norms.
Rifqi Alfian, a resident of Gresik, East Java, launched a petition through the website to stop the program last week.
The petition has received much support.
Rifqi noted his concern about the many television programs that were not educational and tended to promote bullying.
“The peak — and it would be unimaginable if this wasn’t the peak — is that there is a comedy show of very poor quality that allowed the use of rude words, torture, and inappropriate dance moves for one full hour. This has not changed over the past few months,” Rifqi said in his petition.
Rifqi said the dance moves were vulgar. “The TV station did not stop, and they made another program, which is exactly the same,” he complained.
One of the supporters of the petition, Shelly Asmauliyah, said that Indonesians need decent programs that don’t teach children to laugh at people’s fears or that bullying is an acceptable practice.
Through the petition Rifqi asked the public to file complaints to KPI, not only to report YKS but also other programs that are deemed non-educational.
“This is an initial joint movement to improve Indonesia’s television programs. Let’s not stop only with this petition. We can all protest programs that ruin the morality of society,” he said.
Source{Jakarta Globe)

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